Getting Creative for a Sustainable Future
Getting Creative for a Sustainable Future

Sustainable Consumption Envisioning Exhibition Guide

We invite you to host an exhibition as part of your Green Action Week 2024 activities. This exhibition will comprise works created during the Sustainable Consumption Envisioning Workshops in 2023. You can facilitate this exhibition in any way you like, below are some suggestions to help guide you through the process. If you’d like to host an exhibition, drop us a line, and we’ll send you the print ready artwork.

Pre Planning

  • Secure a Suitable Venue
    • Find a venue with enough wall space to accommodate the artworks.
    • Consider factors such as accessibility, lighting, and ambience that will enhance the viewing experience.
  • Prepare Artworks for Printing
    • Choose which artworks you would like to show from the sustainable envisioning workshops held in 2023. (Contact us for access to these works.)
    • Find a digital printer that can print large, high quality works on paper, card or canvas suitable for display.
    • Print the visions and quotes supplied with these works.
  • Create Artwork Displays
    • Frame or mount the printed artworks for display. Ensure they are securely attached to the walls or display panels in the exhibition venue.
    • Display the quotes and visions alongside the artworks to provide context and insight for viewers.
  • Promote the Exhibition
    • Develop a promotional plan to attract visitors to the exhibition. Use social media, press releases, posters, and online platforms to spread the word.
    • Highlight the unique features of the exhibition, such as the focus on sustainable consumption and the interactive element for viewers to create their own artwork.

Opening Event

  • Plan the Opening Event
    • Decide on a date and time for the opening event, preferably at the start of the exhibition to generate initial interest and attendance.
    • Plan for a bring-and-share lunch where participants can contribute homemade dishes or snacks. This fosters a sense of community and engagement among attendees.
  • Invite Keynote Speakers
    • Identify keynote speakers who are knowledgeable and passionate about creative thinking and expression, and how this can lead to a future of sustainable consumption.
    • Invite them to deliver keynote speeches or presentations during the opening event. Their insights can add depth and context to the exhibition’s theme.
    • If your organisation hosted an envisioning Sustainable Consumption workshop, invite the artist and workshop participants to share about their work and process.
  • Schedule Discussions and Activities
    • Plan interactive discussions or panel sessions where participants can engage with the speakers and each other on topics related to sustainable consumption and its connection with art and creativity.
    • Incorporate hands-on activities such as live art demonstrations, workshops, or collaborative art projects that align with the exhibition’s theme.
  • Create a Welcoming Atmosphere
    • Decorate the venue to create a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere. Use sustainable and natural decorations and materials.
    • Provide seating areas for attendees to relax, mingle, and engage in discussions.
  • Promote the Opening Event
    • Promote the opening event through invitations, social media posts, newsletters, and local media outlets.
    • Highlight the schedule of activities, keynote speakers, and the bring-and-share lunch to attract a diverse audience.
  • Coordinate Logistics
    • Coordinate logistics such as audiovisual equipment for presentations, seating arrangements, and catering services for the bring-and-share lunch.
    • Ensure that the venue is set up to accommodate both the opening event activities and the ongoing exhibition.
  • Facilitate Networking and Collaboration
    • Encourage networking and collaboration among attendees, artists, speakers, and organisations present at the opening event.
    • Provide opportunities for participants to exchange ideas, share resources, and discuss potential collaborations or projects related to creative solutions to sustainable consumption.
  • Capture the Highlights
    • Capture the highlights of the opening event through photographs, videos, and social media posts.
    • Use these materials to promote ongoing engagement with the exhibition and to showcase the impact of the event on participants and the community.

The Exhibition

  • Set Up Interactive Art Area
    • Designate a space within the exhibition venue for viewers to create their own artwork.
    • Provide basic art materials such as paper, crayons, paints, colouring pencils, collage materials, glue, and scissors.
    • Encourage participants to contribute their creations to the exhibition and share them on social media using the hashtag #GreenActionWeek2024  #SharingCommunity.
  • Engage with Visitors
    • During the exhibition, interact with visitors to discuss the artworks, the theme of sustainable consumption, and their visions of a sustainable future.
    • Encourage discussions, feedback, and ideas.
  • Document and Share
    • Document the exhibition through photographs, videos, and testimonials from participants.
    • Share the highlights of the exhibition on social media, websites, and newsletters to reach a wider audience and continue the conversation.
  • Evaluate and Follow Up
    • After the exhibition, evaluate its success based on attendance, engagement, feedback, and social media reach.
    • Follow up with participants, sponsors, and collaborators to express gratitude and discuss potential future collaborations or initiatives.