Author: Natalie

“In my work I wanted to capture a love for Mother Earth.” Rohit Gupta, India

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Vision 2030 Consumer Voice, India In my work I wanted to capture a love for Mother Earth.” Rohit Gupta, Artist The Vision The vision is of a future where there is collective dedication to energy conservation. This future sees a bicycle-friendly environment, where people use public transport and carpool. Renewable energy is harnessed through sources […]

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“Through the style of traditional Gond painting, I capture the workshop’s identified measures, echoing the Gond community’s reverence for nature as reflected in their art.” Ahana Rao, India

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Vision 2030 Consumer Education and Research Centre (CERC), India Through the style of traditional Gond painting, I capture the workshop’s identified measures, echoing the Gond community’s reverence for nature as reflected in their art..”  Ahana Rao, Artist The Vision The vision is of a future marked by sustainable development and harmonious coexistence with nature, where […]

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“This imagery conveys a harmonious coexistence between the community and its natural surroundings.” John John Mside, Tanzania

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Vision 2030 Envirocare, Tanzania This imagery conveys a harmonious coexistence between the community and its natural surroundings, emphasising the collective commitment to sustainable practices for the well-being of both the environment and its inhabitants.” John Mside, Artist The Vision The vision is of a future where the natural environment and culture are protected. Sustainable consumption […]

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“These ideas stem from the grassroots, making them more practical. There will be greater support and collaboration from the community when the ideas originate from them.” Srajan Mishra, India

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Vision 2030 Consumer Action Research and Training (CUTS), India These ideas stem from the grassroots, making them more practical. There will be greater support and collaboration from the community when the ideas originate from them.” Srajan Mishra, Artist The Vision The vision is a future where Jaipur city is free from dumping yards and littered […]

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“There was a combination of intellect combined with the heart, the good will and harmony of the participants. This process shows a pillar of humanity in all its aspects.” Gaal Cohen, Mexico

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Vision 2030 Colectivo Ecologista Jalisco, A.C. (CEJ), Mexico There was a combination of intellect combined with the heart, the good will and harmony of the participants. This process shows a pillar of humanity in all its aspects.” Gaal Cohen, Artist The Vision In CEJ’s artwork they merged photographs of the paintings and participants, creating a […]

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“I show the dangers of anarchic plastic waste management and propose responsible solutions by transforming it into useful objects. “ Bujaba Isaac, Burundi

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Vision 2030 Association Burundaise des Consommateurs (ABUCO – TI), Burundi I show the dangers of anarchic plastic waste management and propose responsible solutions by transforming it into useful objects.” Bujaba Isaac, Artist The Vision The vision is of a world where the blight of plastic pollution is transformed into a beacon of innovation and sustainability. […]

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“Highlighting citizen values ​​and transformation from a vision of responsibility and commitment for sustainable change.” Juan Carlos Silva Bocanegra, Peru

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Vision 2030 Asociación Peruana de Consumidores y Usuarios (ASPEC), Peru Both works highlight citizen values ​​and transformation from a vision of responsibility and commitment for sustainable change.” Juan Carlos Silva Bocanegra, Artist The Vision This vision is of a future where people are eating healthy food that they produce at home. This creates a greater […]

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Your Actions Count - Ambio, Costa Rica

“The hand that holds the plate represents the responsibility of the individual who has the decision in his hands, to take consistent and responsible actions with the sustainability and protection of nature.” Noilyn Vega Zamora, Costa Rica

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Vision 2030 Ambio Sociedad Civil (Ambio), Costa Rica The hand that holds the plate represents the responsibility of the individual who has the decision in his hands, to take consistent and responsible actions with the sustainability and protection of nature.” Noilyn Vega Zamora, Artist The Vision This artwork embodies a vision of individual responsibility and […]

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